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Open a store dedicated to the world of pastry

Open a store dedicated to the world of pastry

By joining one of these networks, you will immediately benefit from its notoriety. In addition, the franchisor will support you in many stages, both in the structuring of your project and in the economic development of your activity. These advantages have a significant counterpart: the price of joining a franchise brand is high due to the personal contribution and the royalties on the turnover to be paid to the franchisor.

Market research

Essential, market research allows you to determine whether opening a pastry shop in a particular location is a good idea or not. It allows us to collect data on:

competition: how it is organized, what its strengths and weaknesses are, what concept and pricing policy it positions itself on;
customers: how often do they buy bread, pastries and pastries, what is their budget;
market trends: it is currently towards homemade and quality.

The business plan for a pastry shop

The business plan takes the data from the market study and provides new information on the economic and financial aspect of the project. The forecast, the 3-year balance sheet or even the working capital requirement are all elements included there such as catering equipment: commercial cake fridges, commercial combi oven & commercial dishwasher. Do not hesitate to entrust its drafting to a professional, because the bank will ask you for this document if you apply for a professional loan.

The choice of premises

Location is of course the number 1 selection criterion whether you want to become a caterer or open a pastry shop. Ideally, the premises should be located near busy roads, or on the outskirts of the city if it has parking. A beautiful window will be a plus to attract customers. Then all you have to do is choose between purchase and rental. The first is more expensive than the second, but gives you greater freedom of movement in the layout. In addition, you will be able to free yourself from the constraints of a commercial lease!